• Media Literacy in Fake News

    Utopia Corry June 29, 2023 Having good media literacy in today’s day and age is an extremely important and valuable skill. The Media is controlled by powerful politicians, CEOs, and overall rich population. Therefore, the messages hidden within each legit news article or story are also being controlled by the same people. It’s important to…

  • Media Literacy: Episode VIII – A New Hope

    Utopia Corry June 25, 2023 #BlackLivesMatter began as a social media trend that gave African Americans and other marginalized communities in America a platform to voice their opinions against our racist government. The trending hashtag led to hundreds of protests around the world, but mostly in the United States. Being born and raised in San…

  • Why Staying Skeptical of News Stations is Important.

    Utopia Corry June 19, 2023 Ever felt skeptical of an article or news report you read online? Well, you should be. Skepticism is healthy and encouraged in our day and age because being too naive makes you like sitting prey to the ultimate predator, The Media. Local news is no longer strictly local when their…

  • Beauty: In The Eye of The Beholder

    Utopia Corry. June 15, 2023 Any post on Instagram must be of an image or video, a purposeful design in the app to draw-in users with an endless flow of posts. While platforms like Twitter, Tumblr, MySpace (which coincidentally aren’t as popular as Instagram), allow the user to post updates with no pictures, only words.…

  • The Controversial Craze of South Park

    Utopia Corry June 15, 2023 South Park should be considered a near perfect adult cartoon comedy show, it feeds off the most comedic stereotypes in every culture while relating personal situations back to the audience. The creators, Trey Parker and Matt Stone have kept the controversial show on-air since 1997 and just recently renewed until…

  • Be Your Own Pocket Of Resistance

    Utopia Corry. 06/07/2023 Credit: National Geographics Mainstream media is used by popular culture to push beliefs, appearances, and attitudes to the population; they intend to mold our minds into what is deemed decent. The power that mainstream media has held throughout years, especially in representing demographics, has completely altered the way society behaves now. Schools…

  • Is the popular me the person I want to be?

    Written by Utopia Corry 06/05/2023 Image Credit: ORBIT “The Media”… It can sound so ominous and unknown, but what is it really? In the 21st century, news outlets, radio shows, even Youtube accounts, can be considered the media because it is sending out important information to the population. Yet over time, the media has become…

  • TikTok; The Double-Edged Sword

    Written by Utopia Corry 05/29/2023 PHOTOGRAPH: AARONP/GETTY IMAGES TikTok, a social media service that rose to popularity in 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown, has been in the media’s spotlight for many controversial concerns. Since TikTok is a Chinese made app, the privacy risks and political campaigning make many Americans uneasy to sign up. Despite…

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