Media Literacy in Fake News

Utopia Corry June 29, 2023

Instagram adds 'false information' labels to prevent fake news from going  viral | Mashable

Having good media literacy in today’s day and age is an extremely important and valuable skill. The Media is controlled by powerful politicians, CEOs, and overall rich population. Therefore, the messages hidden within each legit news article or story are also being controlled by the same people. It’s important to get our information from more than just the biased nation wide news outlets, like CNN, Today Show, MSNBC, etc.

As the famous quote goes, “Fool me once, shame on you.. Fool me twice, shame on me.” Falling for fake news a few times is understandable due to the multitude of accounts purposely spreading false information and lies. But it’s important to look closely at the details of anything you’re beginning to believe, and double check with multiple sources. You don’t have to be tech savvy to be media literate.

Watch my TikTok to gain a few tips to remember when you’re scrolling the explore page of a social media site or even watching the morning news.

As my final words, I’d like to thank you for reading and hopefully enjoying my TikTok video. I hope you all have enjoyed my blog posts these past few weeks, as I have enjoyed reading all of yours. Stay safe, and stay skeptical.

6 responses to “Media Literacy in Fake News”

  1. Deidre Pike Avatar

    I hope you get only great responses and no weird haters commenting on your TikTok. Thanks for making this! That key recommendation you make to keep news sources diverse is sure an important one. Thanks for spreading the best practices!


  2. mediawizsammy Avatar

    I loved how straight up and honest your post was! The media is for real so biased, and we can never forget that so much of what is broadcasted on tv news networks especially is complete propaganda. I also liked how you used the medium of Tiktok, bringing us full circle for this course.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yuliana Nazario Avatar

    Thank you for explaining how to spot fake news from uncredited news sources. We can get caught up with news titles and the visual imagery and forget to double check credibility. Yes, it can be overwhelming and tedious but having media literacy skills in check can be relieving to comprehend hidden messages.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. mekhidelacruz Avatar

    Great post on “Media Literacy in Fake News”! This is a really important topic to talk about. I love that i was engaged the whole time. This is one topic I don’t think people talk enough about. Your tips on spotting fake news were really helpful.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. jessieebakerr Avatar

    Great topic choice! I was considering this for awhile too because when I think media literacy, I think being able to tell the difference between what is real or fake and the damages that can come from being media illiterate! Understanding when something is a joke, like The Onion as mentioned, is crucial. Sometimes I read those headlines and immediately my jaw drops or blood pressure rises until I take a second to look at the source. Really enjoyed your TikTok and this post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. jessieebakerr Avatar

      Also great job this semester! I enjoyed your posts this summer and wish you luck with everything in the future!

      Liked by 1 person

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